Joint pain is generally associated with a problem that only affects older persons. However, we see that this is an issue that concerns a growing number of people. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic and changes it has brought about in our daily lives have had an impact on the joint health of the population. Indeed, increasingly young individuals are complaining of joint pain. As a result, the need for natural solutions to manage this type of pain is increasingly felt.

We prepared this article to address this issue, which is directly related to our mission, that is to prevent joint pain related to osteoarthritis.

Increased prevalence of joint pain

The pandemic has changed our lifestyles, especially in the workplace. The INSPQ estimated that more than 50% of Quebeckers were working from home in the summer of 2020. To this day, teleworking is still recommended by health authorities and remains widespread.

Telework, despite its considerable advantages, especially for work-family balance, still has some disadvantages. First, let’s think of the many people forced to work in an environment that was not intended for this using an unergonomic workstation. It is known that bad posture, maintained for a prolonged period, can have very harmful effects on the joints by subjecting them to significant pressure. The neck, shoulders and lower back regions are the most affected.

Then, telecommuting and the pandemic pushed many people towards a more sedentary lifestyle. Travel has been reduced to a minimum and options for being physically active have been severely limited, with gyms closed and team sports activities cancelled. Knowing that regular physical activity is our best weapon against a sedentary lifestyle and its consequences for health, we understand that the pandemic has had strange effects on the condition of many of us…

de probLastly, we should mention that the aging of the population also has an impact on the increase in the prevalence of joint pain. Osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis actually affect more people who are in the older age groups.

What solutions naturally fight joint pain?

More and more people are looking for natural solutions to fight joint pain. Given the possible side effects, traditional drug solutions were rejected by many individuals, who instead wish to turn to healthy and safe options when managing a physical or psychological health problem.

Of course, we cannot speak about preventing joint pain without addressing the importance of regular physical activity. In addition to the well-documented benefits on morale, physical activity improves joint health. This is because when muscle mass increases, the structures within the joints benefit. The attachment points binding the muscles to the bones must indeed strengthen to support the muscles. This results in the strengthening of all tissues within the joints. In addition, regular physical activity would increase the quality of articular cartilage, which improves its shock absorption capacity. This could help limit the effects of osteoarthritis on cartilage.

We must not neglect the adoption of ergonomic working postures in order to avoid subjecting the joints to significant pressure. Alternatively, when it comes to diet, certain foods have anti-inflammatory properties, which could help control inflammation in the joints and reduce pain.

Consider Genacol Anti-Inflammatory supplement

For the prevention of joint pain linked to osteoarthritis, Genacol collagen supplements have proven their worth. Scientific studies have highlighted the greater bioavailability of the molecules contained in our AminoLock Collagen. This results in better absorption of it by the body, which promotes the benefits on the latter.

To reduce inflammation in the joints, consider Genacol Anti-Inflammatory, an exclusive formula specially designed for its anti-inflammatory properties while being a natural supplement gentle on the stomach. Genacol Anti-Inflammatory contains ultra-hydrolyzed AminoLock Collagen, Turmeric Curcumin standardized to 95% curcuminoids and BioPerine. This natural solution is indicated for people who suffer from osteoarthritis and have joint inflammation.