Do you know that the human body has over 640 muscles, all with different functions? In particular, let us think of the heart muscles (which perform a fairly obvious function), but also of the muscles, which, in combination with our joints, allow us to perform many movements.

It, therefore, goes without saying that muscles play a major role in joint health, which we will explain in more detail below.

The link between muscles and joints

We have devoted an entire article to joint anatomy. In this article, we mentioned that the tendons bind muscles to bones within a joint. When a muscle contracts, it pulls on the tendons, which are like cords of muscle tissue, allowing the joint to flex and extend.

Therefore, the strength of a joint is directly related to the strength of the muscles connected to it, to the strength of the tendons providing this connection, as well as to the strength of the ligaments. These are bands of fibrous tissue that connect the two bones, which, in turn, form a movable joint. For a joint to function optimally, the tendons and ligaments must be kept in good condition, but the muscles must also be strong.

The effects of a sedentary lifestyle on the joints

Office work and watching TV while slumped on the sofa: these are two examples of sedentary activities that can have consequences on the joints. Indeed, they require being in a resting position for an extended period of time, in addition to putting the body in postures that lead to misalignment of the joints. You guessed it… it can lead to stiffness in muscles and various joint structures.

Therefore, to promote joint health, it is better to limit the time spent doing sedentary activities. To counter the effects, it is recommended to perform sports activities that require a large range of movement in the joints. These activities include Pilates and Yoga, which are great for improving suppleness and flexibility of different joints in the body, in addition to helping improve posture and balance.

For healthy joints, focus on strong muscles

Without physical activities that involve strength training, bones and muscles weaken. Weaker muscles make it more difficult to perform certain daily activities, such as climbing stairs, carrying grocery bags, moving furniture, etc. Stronger muscles also require strong bones, so that all joint structures are held securely in place within the joints.

In addition, note that a healthy joint, especially from the regular practice of sports and weight training, will increase its capacity to absorb synovial fluid. The latter lubricates the joints and prevents friction in the cartilage. Sufficient synovial fluid production and good absorption, therefore, help prevent joint pain.

Fitness in the training room is a great way of improving muscle strength, and, at the same time, joint health. Running and walking are also very accessible activities that benefit muscles and joint health.

Supplements: A helping hand for joint health

In addition to doing physical activities to promote joint health, it could be helpful to include supplements in your routine. The Genacol range of supplements are made with AminoLock Collagen, a unique molecule with a very low molecular weight, which promotes absorption by the body. Collagen is a component of all joint tissue, but our body gradually loses its ability to produce collagen with age, hence the need to consider supplements to promote joint health.

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