Collagen is an essential component for a healthy functioning body. The important roles it fulfills are nevertheless still misunderstood. For this reason, we have prepared this article to address 3 myths about collagen and its health benefits.
It is often said that collagen is like glue in our bodies, and this is not a bad way to illustrate the role it plays. Collagen is a component of many tissues, especially those helping protect the body (skin and connective tissue), but also those related to locomotion (cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments, etc.) i.e., movements.
Collagen is thus beneficial for the skin, giving it its firmness and elasticity. However, these are not its only health benefits. Since it is part of all tissues previously mentioned, collagen helps to:
This statement unfortunately applies only to the youngest of us… In fact, our body starts to produce 1% less collagen per year as early as our mid-twenties.
This translates into what are considered to be the first signs of old age—the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Moreover, around the age of 45, it is estimated that our body loses about 30% of its initial capacity to produce collagen. That’s why, as we get older, we become more prone to joint pain, muscle stiffness and even injury…
As you may have guessed, it is therefore important to provide your body with collagen supplements as early as the age of 30, since collagen then degrades at a higher rate than your body can produce it.
Collagen supplements are made from tissues (skin, bones, tendons, cartilage, etc.) that come from bovine (beef), poultry (chicken), or marine (fish) sources. There are many different types of supplements available on the market, but there are several factors to consider when assessing their effectiveness. In fact, depending on where they come from and the form they take as supplements, certain types of collagen are more easily assimilated by our body, which considerably increases the benefits we derive from them.
This is notably the case of AminoLock Collagen, the main component of our supplement products, that is a unique ultra-hydrolyzed collagen made with our patented technology. This exclusive process makes it possible to obtain peptides with the smallest molecular weight used among all the bovine collagen products available on the market. This way, collagen is absorbed more easily by our body than with supplements offered by other brands. It’s simple—better absorption means greater benefits that appear more quickly!
Did you know that without collagen, our body would be but a mass of shapeless tissues? In fact, collagen plays a major role in how […]
For most of us, collagen rhymes with anti-wrinkle care. However, it also has a key role to play in our entire body. To learn more […]